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Patient update

Moss Grove Surgery is not doing Spring Covid Vaccinations, please follow instructions in the letter you have received from NHS England.

Mission statement

Our aim is to provide high quality healthcare, in a personalised, efficient, accessible and timely fashion, taking into account the needs of our patients and the local population, while at the same time being mindful of the use of NHS resources.

Our values are:

  • To provide high quality healthcare for the patients we treat.
  • To ensure that the medical care we give is safe and prompt.
  • To ensure that you are seen by the right person and at the right time for the problem you have.
  • To act as an advocate when you are dealing with your care, which occurs outside of the practice.
  • To treat all of our patients with consideration, dignity and respect.
  • To listen to the needs of our patients and respond to these to the best of our ability.
  • To provide an environment for our patients which is clean, safe and welcoming.
  • To communicate with other healthcare providers efficiently with regard to your care.

We also aim to:

  • Provide a culture of ongoing professional development, learning and reflection for our staff.
  • Work well as a team and value each other for their differing skills and attributes.
  • Have systems in place to learn from events where improvement is needed.
  • Be accountable individually and as a collective for our actions.
  • Ensure that all members of the team act with honesty and integrity.
  • Collaborate with the local Clinical Commissioning Group using NHS resources appropriately.
  • To have an awareness of our weaknesses and address them.
  • Celebrate our successes!